Sunday, November 07, 2004


Early in the morning I was deep asleep dreaming, in my dreams I was talking to him, usually I don't dream of him. I don't remember what subject we were talking about, when suddenly my mobile rang, and it was him!! I don't know why he called me that early and what he wanted to say, the line got disconnected and none of us called again, but what I know is that my mobile's alarm was supposed to wake me up at 6:10 which did not, and his call was at 6:15!!! and if I didn't have that call I would've been late for work!! I donno maybe he was also talking to me in his dreams! weird.

Anyways, I believe some people have telepathy with each other, I also have this kind of communication with Vida, and it's kind of weird when it happens, you feel there is some very strong energy in this world that you wanna find out about it, and you can't, but still it gives lots of energy to you by the time it happens...knowing the world is not just some materials. There is something high above all of that. Something extraordinary...

Last night I had some guests, my cousin and her husband and some of my new friends, it also was my brother's wedding anniversary, we drank to them :)
Actually it was supposed to be just a business meeting, but after dinner it became more like confessing to my parents about each of our's stupid stories of the past! It was fun.


At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah! It's strange. He was probably thinking of you and talking to you too ...

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps: why don't you give him a call?

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Her Life Goes On said...

I'd never do that, he is not what I call a friend.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see...

where you have friends as those listed in your orkut's, there's definitely no place for him.

In that case I am sure he'd prefer to stay an ENEMY.
rather than sitting by THEIR sides!

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Her Life Goes On said...

If you continue writing bullshit in my weblog, your wife and parents will be informed.

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you take "tele" meaning distant and "pathe" meaning feelings...what does it say to you?


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