Wednesday, October 27, 2004

the book : My Life

I'm reading the book "My Life" by Bill Clinton and started liking it somehow. His reall name is not Bill and neither is his sure name!
William Jefferson Blythe is the reall name, but since his step father was Mr.Clinton so...

I like it when some scene or text can have such an affect on you that you may think about it even use in your reall life.

In his book he says when he was out of low school, he read a book named "How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life" and how this book helped him follow his goals.

As he describes the main point of this book was having Long Term Life Goals. So he decided to make a list as below:

-being a good man
-have a good marriage and children
-have good friends
-make a successful political life
-write a great book

And as himself says it's for God to judge if he is a good man! But he could reach the rest of his list, even the last one! At least it's a great story if not a great book!

Do I have long term goals? I better get that book he read! ;)
It's not so late is it? He was my age when he made that list ;)
It's never too late, for anything.